VeriSign is the most trusted mark on the internet because its secures more than 1 million web servers worldwide. The world's 40 largest banks and over 93% of Fortune 500 companies choose VeriSign SSL certificates such as ebay, PayPal, Pioneer and PC World.
The successful key of e-commerce is gain the trust from online customers in order to increase theirs sales and profit so that the e-commerce business should increase customer confidence at the transaction time. Normally, the online shoppers will cincerns about the credit card fraud,k identity theft, sharing personal information and spyware because the fraund and identity theft have created an awesome effect on e-commerce. For examples, there only has 65% of online consumers shop at sites they know and trust but there also haven 65% of onlie shoppers have discarded online shopping because they did not trust on the transaction.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protects the websites and makes it easy for the website visitors to trust and gain the confidence. An SSL Certificate enables encryption of sensitive information during the online transactions and contains unique, authenticated information about the certificate owner. Besides this, the Certificate Authority verifies the identity of the certificate owner when it is issued.
(1) An SSL Certificate establishes a private communication channel and enabling encryption of the data during transmission. When encryption proceed to the data immediately will create an envelope for message privacy. Besides this, each SSL Certificate consists of a public key and a private key. The public key is used to encrypt information while the private key is used to decode it. When a web browser points to a secured domain, a SSL will grip authenticates the server ( website) and the client (web browser).
(2) Every VeriSign SSL Certificate is created for a particular server in a specific domain for a verified busienss entity. When the SSL grip occurs, the browser requires authentication information from the server by clicking the closed padlock in the browser window or SSL trust marks. In high-security browsers, the authenticated organization name is prominently displayed and the address bar turns green when an Extended Validation SSL Certificate is detected. If the information does not match or the certificate has expired, the browser displays an error message or warning.
(3) The SSL Certificate is issued by a trusted source known as the Certificate Authority (CA). VeriSign verifies the existence of the business, the ownership of domain name and authority to apply for the certificate. Besides this, VeriSign Extended Validation SSL Certificates meet the highest standard in the Internet security industry for website authentication. The high-security web browser's address bar turns green and show the name of organization that owns the SSL Certificate.
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